Thank You 2014, i'm ready for 2015
Hooorraaaaayy! Another year for a brand new journey for everybody. Finally, we are leaving all the negative vibes behind and focus on what’s next.
Oh well, it isn’t too late for “Welcome 2015!” blog post so i’m doing mine. 
There are tons of reason why I should thank 2014 and consider every negative things that happened to me a blessing.
These are the highlights of my 2014, that turned my life up side down but God take control of everything and give me more than I wished for.
1.The Break Up. breaking up with my 3-yr old relationship was like moving heaven and earth for me. This might sound too much, but i lost track. That was my first heartbreak, that’s why I didn’t know how to handle the pain.. But these experience lead me to..
Meeting new friends When I joined Xtreme Level Danz Crew, my world became wider, I met a lot of new friends and was able to perform with different events. I was able to follow my passion once again.
“Me time” Stereotyping, after break up there’s a lot of “me time”. Though, you can still engange in any activities without breaking up with someone still I wasn’t persistent as I was after the break up. So, i started dancing and enrolled in Yoga class. How fun was that?
I found him. The greatest gift I received last year.. 6months after the breakup, It maybe too soon for another relationship but why would I stop myself to love again just because of the idea that it’s too soon.. Now we are on our 4th month, I can say that it was an awesome relationship. I really feel special, treasured and loved. 
2.Stressful work Almost everyday since I came back from my vacation for how many months. It was never been easy for me working on our Clinic. Aside from me working on a different position that was out of my desire, the work loads are getting heavier day by day. But it was really a big offer for me, i am so blessed because of these.
New position, high salary. yes, i am Nurse no more! but i will be paid almost double of my original salary. Plus, they are giving me almost all the benefits I wanted.

Two heartaches and unlimited blessing. How great was that right? Maybe it’s just how we see things, we are trully blessed we just don’t realize it.
Hopefully this 2015, more travels and new experience for me. I should set my bucket list and see how many can I get.
And for real, will start to post in blogspot but will keep my wordpress account active to keep my followers updated. So how about you? What’s your plan for this year?
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