Rant: I am a Centerpiece
It's been a while sice the last time I rant in my blog.. My blog content is actually confusing, a lot of people are classifying me as a "Travel Blogger" which i'm actually not. Or should I say, not exactly? I recently blog a lot about my trips and i've been very interested about travelling to different places lately, that's why most of my recent posts are all about travelling.. Some are very attentive to details that they are questioning me what my blog is all about?
Some of you might not know how I came up with "I am a Centerpiece"..
Here is the story, I started blogging way back 2008 through Tumblr. It was a big hype back then that I got so obsessed about creating typograpies, fashion photos and "MEME gif's" (even before the word "MEME" was invented). I always bring up contents that are relatable to the readers because I want them to reblog my post and share it to their own followers.
It didn't last longer as I realized that I just want to be myself and blog about how I choose to live my life. Centerpiece -by definition- the object in the center of the table, it means anything about myself goes inside the blog. If only you were following me from the first day I created my blog, you will witness my physical transformation from the first time I dye my hair, my very first real heartbreak and every single details of my life. During the first few years, I shamelessly blog about my personal life until my audience became bigger that I felt so embrassed so I have to put an end to my personal story blog posts.
Sometimes, midlife crisis is hitting me so hard that I can't help myself letting it all out through my blog but ended not posting it up anyway.. It's difficult to write a first-person story that will make the readers interested about your content, but then again I asked myself, so what? What did you create your blog in the first place? Then I realized, I am the piece that goes in the center of this blog anyway. :)
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